Tips to Make Math Your Child’s Favorite Subject

For many students, math can seem like a chore. Not only are the concepts sometimes tough at first, but teachers are required to keep their lessons moving at a particular pace, making it easy for any student to get lost in the classroom shuffle.

Parents however, can help make math more fun and engaging at home, helping students excel in school and enjoy themselves in the process. Here are a few ideas and tips for doing so.

• Pie Graph : 

Bring pie graphs to life by using real pies. First, bake together, assigning your child all the tasks that use numbers and math: measuring, counting and setting the timer on the oven. After the pie has cooled, it’s time to demonstrate the visual concept of halves, quarters and thirds. Ask your child to convert these fractions into percentages and decimals. Correct answers get a sweet reward!

• Gear Up : 

Math is no fun when one is not equipped to succeed. Ensure your child has a high-quality calculator that’s appropriate for his or her grade level. The K-12 line from Casio includes basic calculators, scientific calculators and graphing calculators that contain up-to-date functions that help distill math concepts.

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